It does not matter which side of the desk you sit on, the law is here to protect you.
Since the new law in the early 1990s and continuing with the Employment Relations Act 2000 we have seen a marked increase in employment disputes.
Dismissing an employee is not an easy task. We offer advice on how to deal with issues such as work performance, absenteeism and workplace disputes.. We assist clients with both claims for unfair dismissal and protection against baseless claims.
Employment Agreements
Employment contracts can be confusing. We offer services ranging from drafting agreements to advising on employment contracts.
Personal Grievances
We have experience in both bringing and defending claims for clients, for personal grievances such as unjustified dismissal, unfair disciplinary actions, sexual harassment and claims for outstanding wages.
Restraint of Trade
Restraint of trade clauses are increasingly prevalent. We can offer advice on the implications of these clauses, as well as bringing or defending actions to enforce them.
Intellectual Property & Copyright
Intellectual property can be an organisation’s most valuable asset. We offer advice on your rights and obligations relating to confidentiality and intellectual property agreements.
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